Data Centre, Vienna

Hyperscaler Data Centre

Location: Vienna

This proposed development faced unique geographical challenges due to its location within the Vienna Basin, characterised by sedimentary soils and relatively flat terrain. Moreover, being situated in a seismic zone added another layer of complexity to the design process of the 26m tall structure. 


A thorough site investigation was undertaken by the DCL Geotechnical team and our counterparts in Vienna including liquefaction risk mitigation assessment and 1 in 500 year Storm return period flood risk assessments.


The design of the Structure takes into account these geographical limitations, with tailormade structural engineering solutions.


Precast concrete framed structural elements ensure precise, enhanced and robust structural engineering integrity, ensuring that the moderate seismic activity is dealt with.


Flood risk mitigation measures such as raising the site level and incorporating attenuated storm drainage systems to combat flood risks demonstrate a proactive approach by DCL to environmental challenges to ensure safety and functionality of the Data Centre development and embrace the geographical constraints of Vienna.

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